After a successful 30-year career in the Police service, reaching a rank I never dreamed of achieving (Assistant Chief Constable) and exhaustion of fighting crime, this is a question many people have asked me. It isn’t something I have rushed into and done on ‘the spur of the moment’. Having retired in April 2021 I took my time looking at what I wanted to do “next” with my life.
It was on my 5-month motor home “decompression” tour around the United Kingdom post retirement with my wife Jo that the idea first formed. It was recognising our love of travel had taken us to fabulous far-flung places (although the Highlands and Islands of Scotland take some beating) and it was this experience along with my hard-earned police management skills which led me to Ginge Tours.
But how can an ex-police officer be a travel advisor?
I must admit I thought that myself initially, but then I found there to be a lot of similarities, particularly when compared to the senior rank I achieved. Customer service and care is at the heart of policing, risk assessment and logistical planning are part of police management daily life, best value and a keen sense of efficiency and cost are paramount considerations in the public sector. All of these have a cross over into providing travel services. Even more importantly it is the ability to keep calm in a crisis! When a customer phones you at 1am in a bit of a panic due to their plane being cancelled due to the oncoming hurricane it is just like being on call in the police! Deep breath, keep calm and reassure, and then work out the solution! (This happened).
Where did the name come from?
There was only ever going to be one. For years I had been running informal rugby tours to international and European cup finals. Ginge Tours was the nickname for the trips. Luckily it is also memorable and gets the attention (and no it is not a company ‘just’ for people with Ginger hair and no I am no longer ginger – Silver Strawberry Blond Tours Limited doesn’t have quite the same ring!)
So, what am I aiming for with Ginge Tours?
I came up quite quickly with a strap line for the company’s approach – “Independent Travel Together” What I am trying to convey with this is you (as the traveller) are travelling independently, not beholden to the timetables of pre-packaged tours (“do this, do that, be there at this time”). I put the hard graft in finding what you need, checking the prices and the timetabling putting together a trip to suit your desires and budget. But this doesn’t result in you being sent out without an ideal of where your next bed is. The “Together” part is me – your personal travel consultant. I do all the planning, the logistics, the arrangements and provide you with a ‘package’ but one that is ‘independent’ to you.
This isn’t of course to say I can’t provide you with a pre-packaged holiday to the sun (I can) or the independence of a back packing adventure (I can). I can provide you with whatever you need or want (within reason!)
But can I trust you I hear you ask?
Well hopefully my former career reassures you over my integrity and trustworthiness! But further to this I will be completely transparent over what I earn from a particular booking, I seek to get you the best possible price (and if I can’t or know you can get it cheaper elsewhere, I will tell you). Most importantly I have also invested in becoming a member of Protected Trust Services. This is a company that provides the customer with all the consumer protection you normally get from a “major player” in the travel market but allows the smaller boys (me!) to provide it as well – you pay the Trust not me on booking, I only get my commission once everyone has been paid and you have travelled. In that way everyone is protected – the customer, the supplier and me.
What PTS membership also means is I am Independent. Ginge Tours is not a franchisee of a bigger travel agency. I can work with which ever companies I choose to and charge my customers what I want too – I am not beholden to sales targets or certain percentages of my commission going to the parent company. This means, alongside my lower overheads, I can offer great prices!
So, through this occasional blog I hope to introduce you more to my philosophy of travel, what I can provide and my general thoughts on all things travel. It won’t be about selling holidays – this is mainly going to be on my website and Facebook – but I will outline some trips and some of the adventures Jo and I have been on.
Thanks for reading and please do continue to read by blogs - #Life of a personal Travel Consultant.
Until next time – keep traveling
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